Dear Permias members,

I am enclosing a message from  Mr. Jerry Goei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
of  Sampoerna. He would appreciate it very much if anybody from New York,
Chicago, San Fransisco and nearby cities respond to the enlosed message

Please note that I have no association at all with Sampoerna.


Ahmad Syamil
Toledo, OH
Phone/fax: 419 472 6937

--------------------  forwarded
message -----------------------------------------

- deleted -

Please provide us with the local Permias contact
person for: New York, Chicago and San Fransisco for us to arrange the
detail regarding the company presentation.

Our Marketing Director (Surja S. Handoko) will be in US with the following
(just confirmed schedule):

   Oct 16, 1999 at New York:
   Hilton Towers
   1335 Avenue of the America
   Ph: (212) 586-7000
   Fax: (212) 315-1374
   Note: We will not arrange a formal presentation in this city. However,
   since a few responses have indicated the interest to meet us, we will
   try to arrange informal session with those who have contacted me. I will
   contact them directly to try to arrange for such a session.

   Oct 23, 1999 at Chicago:
   We will arrange with the local Permias for a formal company
   Pak Surja can be contacted at (312) 280-8664.

   Oct 26, 1999 at Hyatt US Square San Fransisco:
   We will arrange with the local Permias for a formal company
   Pak Surja can be contacted at:
   Hyatt US Square - San Fransisco
   Ph: (415) 398-1234
   Fax: (415) 391-1780

Thank you very much for your kind support to us. We truly appreciate it.

Best Regards,
Jerry Goei

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