Bang Syamil,

Mungkin saatnya kita serukan "ANTI ROKOK"
Kalau dihitung-hitung uang yang dibeliin rokok dan kemudian dibakar,
konstribusi Perusahaan Rokok pada kelemahan ekonomi Indonesia besar juga
tuh..coba tanya Bang Irwan deh. Selain itu, Indonesia sangat tidak sehat
oleh karena:

1. Udaranya polusi asap rokok
2. Banyak angkatan muda yang terkena Cancer
3. Banyak korban second hand smokers
4. Belum lagi batuk-batuk yang mengakibatkan TBC

Just a thought,



>From: "A. Syamil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Indonesian Students in the US <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: New York, San Fransisco, Chicago (Re: Job: Sampoerna)
>Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 22:04:33 -0400
>Dear Permias members,
>I am enclosing a message from  Mr. Jerry Goei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>of  Sampoerna. He would appreciate it very much if anybody from New York,
>Chicago, San Fransisco and nearby cities respond to the enlosed message
>Please note that I have no association at all with Sampoerna.
>Ahmad Syamil
>Toledo, OH
>Phone/fax: 419 472 6937
>--------------------  forwarded
>message -----------------------------------------
>- deleted -
>Please provide us with the local Permias contact
>person for: New York, Chicago and San Fransisco for us to arrange the
>detail regarding the company presentation.
>Our Marketing Director (Surja S. Handoko) will be in US with the following
>(just confirmed schedule):
>    Oct 16, 1999 at New York:
>    Hilton Towers
>    1335 Avenue of the America
>    Ph: (212) 586-7000
>    Fax: (212) 315-1374
>    Note: We will not arrange a formal presentation in this city. However,
>    since a few responses have indicated the interest to meet us, we will
>    try to arrange informal session with those who have contacted me. I
>    contact them directly to try to arrange for such a session.
>    Oct 23, 1999 at Chicago:
>    We will arrange with the local Permias for a formal company
>    presentation.
>    Pak Surja can be contacted at (312) 280-8664.
>    Oct 26, 1999 at Hyatt US Square San Fransisco:
>    We will arrange with the local Permias for a formal company
>    presentation.
>    Pak Surja can be contacted at:
>    Hyatt US Square - San Fransisco
>    Ph: (415) 398-1234
>    Fax: (415) 391-1780
>Thank you very much for your kind support to us. We truly appreciate it.
>Best Regards,
>Jerry Goei

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