Bung jaya Asmara wrote:

>Semoga tata susila tetap ditegakkan. Terima kasih.

Kasihan sekali Bung jaya. Saya jadi kasihan buat anda.
Senjata makan tuan....
menuai panen "asusila" (kalau benar) dari permias@
karena benih yang tanamnya sendiri.
Memang kalau sudah jadi publik figur apalagi kalau
gencet sana sini, siap siaplah keluarga sendiri yang korban.
Seperti keluarga GD.
That's a reality. So it is up to you to calm down or not.
Up to you if you think that you are a "Superman" or not ready.
Please realize, all others here are laughing on your situation...
I am trying to be honest that you are the one having
the problem/trouble now. Or maybe as I said before,
that this actually just dagelan opera sabun top permias.

Tata krama permias ? I believe it is not needed.
Just use common sense...!
Makin banyak peraturan, siapa yang mau enforce ?
Subcription or membership to permias is voluntary.
I may get return from this net good or bad
depending what I have planted.
If somebody get cranky to me, that's mean I have to calm down too..

I hope Maluku causalties will not spread to Troy.

Nasrul Indroyono
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