
saya mempunyai handout hasil seminar dari grant writer's seminars and
workshops di International of Association of Dental Research, in
conjunction with NIH-NIDCR beberapa waktu yang lalu. Saya akan coba scan
dan make it into PDF file, sehingga teman-teman bisa mendapatkan input
mengenai filosofi research dan bagaimana cara mentransform ide kita ke
dalam bentuk tulisan yang menarik dan profesional, serta bagaimana menjual
ide kita sehingga dapat dibeli/dibiayai oleh agent/orang lain. Saya rasa
pola pikir dibawah ini dapat diaplikasikan ke dalam semua disiplin ilmu.

Anyway, saya sampaikan beberapa point menarik dari handout tersebut,
seperti misalnya:

1. It; s not the will to win that's important. Everyone wants to win. It's
the will to prepare to wins that makes the difference. (Bobby Knight, Head
Basketball coach, Texas Tech University)

2. Six steps to develop a compelling, Novel Idea:
a. Define the problem you want to address
b. Collect and critically analyze background information related to the problem
c. Develop a preliminary data
d. Asses the idea's potential for success and modify it, if necessary
e. Seek constructive criticsm from knowledgeable colleagues
f. Refine the idea to maximize its potential for impact on your field

3. Identify your long-term goal(s), get to know your field-the people and
the funding sources, begin networking-profesionally and socially. Success
rarely develop out of shyness. Be mentally prepared for rejection. Stick to
the goal that have chosen; don't jump around.

4. Passion=Comitment
"..... if biomedical research is truly what you want to do, the you must be
willing to pay the price.... It takes time, patience, stubornness, years
and years of seven day weeks, and eighteen hour days, years of poverty
level wages, predictions of doom and failure, rejections of papers and
grants, depression and self-doubt.... But one persists.... because this is
what you want to do" (Mina J. Bisse, 1997 ASCB Presidential address)

5. Show a positive attitude:
Negative attitude:
- I can't
- Too litle time
- Too much competition

Positive attitude:
- I can and I will
- I will reorder my priorities
- I welcome to chance the competition

Semoga berguna,

PS: bila ada yang memerlukan file PDFnya, please contact me directly.

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