
Beberapa kali saya menelpun Dell computer yang berpusat di Texas tapi
dihubungkan dengan technical specialist yang ada di Mumbay, New Delhi, atau
Bangalore (Silicon Valley of India).

Saya juga sempat nonton acara TV tentang banyaknya perusahaan di Amerika
yang outsource ke India. Bukan hanya bidang information technology, tapi
juga kedokteran (analisa pasien), riset and design (banyak bidang), dan

Diacara itu disebutkan bahwa untuk menggaji lulusan MBA lulusan Harvard,
dibutuhkan gaji lebih dari seratus ribu dollar per tahun. Sedangkan untuk
menggaji lulusan top MBA dari Indian Institute of Management ataupun Indian
Institute of Technology dan memperkerjakan mereka di India, hanya dibutuhkan
sepuluh ribu dollar pertahun.

Adakah hal positif dari India yang bisa ditiru Indonesia?

Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil

-----Original Message-----
Vinod Jain
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:16 PM
Subject: AIB (Academy of International Business) - India Seminar in
Washington D.C. Area

Here's a quick reminder of our forthcoming India Seminar in the
Washington D.C. metro area.


University of Maryland University College
June 27, 2003

Seminar Theme:
India has long been known for its expertise in IT and sofware
development. What is relatively less known is the fact that dozens of
American companies also perform Business Process Outsourcing and
Research & Development in India.

According to a recent report in the Fortune magazine, P&G has saved one
billion dollars since 1999 by outsourcing some of their accounting work
to foreign countries. A large number of big IT companies, such as Cisco,
Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, and Texas Instruments, have been performing
R&D through their own operations in India, while others have outsourced
such work to Indian companies.

The seminar's focus is on how companies can strengthen their
competitive advantage by leveraging India's intellectual talent in
high-tech fields through investment or outsourcing. It will also present
best practices and actionable ideas on how companies
can safeguard their intellectual property and interests in overseas
alliances and joint ventures.

When:   June 27, 2003 (8:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.)
Where:  The Inn & Conference Center, UMUC, Adelphi, MD 20783
Fee:    Highly subsidized for faculty and students

Inaugural Address:
Mr. Aris Melissaratos, Secretary
Maryland Department of Economic & Business Development

Comparative and Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century
Prof. Anil K. Gupta, Tyser Professor of Strategy & Organization
University of Maryland at College Park

Other Speakers:
Mr. Reggie Aggarwal, CEO, Cvent Inc.
Mr. Scott Ayer, President, Best Shore Application Services, EDS
Mr. Subash Bijlani, Executive-in-Residence, UMUC
Dr. Christina Hannah, Dean, Graduate School, UMUC
Dr. Vinod Jain, Associate Professor and Director, MBA Program
Dr. Arun Maheshwari, CEO, Computer Sciences Corporation India
Mr. Timothy Matlack, Chief Executive-E&U, Wipro Limited
Mr. Samuel Shafner, Attorney-at-Law, Burns & Levinson LLP

Further information from:

Vinod Jain

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