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Indonesia Faces "the Trigger of Revolution"

In an already troubled, divided country, the potential loss of 1 million
garment jobs could easily send it over the edge

As darkness and dust settle over the factory town of Bandung in the
chilly hills of West Java, the heart of Indonesia's garment and textile
industry, 20-year-old Neng Kartini strolls nonchalantly out of the Metro
Garmin factory gates in her tight jeans and T-shirt. She has small hands
that make her valuable as a garment worker and keeps her long hair tied
back in a bun to prevent it from getting caught in sewing machines. The
short, stocky, single Javanese woman sprints across four lanes of
honking, rumbling buses and fabric-delivery trucks to a curbside
roast-chicken stand where she buys her dinner.

She's short of breath as she nibbles on a drumstick, not so much from
dodging traffic as from her eight-hour work day, during which she sewed
80 pairs of cuffs on long-sleeve sport shirts for export to the U.S. Yet
her foreman tells her she's too slow and makes too many mistakes.

It weighs heavily on Kartini that another shirt factory down the road,
Bina Citra II, closed down earlier this year, putting 3,000 people out
of work, and her own employer, Metro, has just lost orders for
long-sleeve dress shirts from Phillips-Van Heusen (PVH ). "I'm so
tired," she confesses wearily, reaching deep into her jeans pocket and
paying for dinner with 12 cents from her $2.50 in daily take-home wages.
"I'm afraid I'll lose my job if I make a mistake, and I know I won't
find another one."

PLENTY OF HEADACHES.  Kartini has never heard of the Multi-Fiber
Arrangement (MFA), a 30-year-old global pact that gives 47 nations a
share of the European and U.S. markets for clothing and textiles, which
is set to expire on January 1, 2005. But she's not alone among the
estimated 1 million Indonesians who work in garment factories that
export to the U.S. in worrying about her future. These factories are
shutting down every month as U.S. retailers increasingly order branded
apparel from China and other countries that offer lower costs and
greater political stability.

With 42 million of Indonesia's estimated 140 million workers now
unemployed, labor relations are growing increasingly tense and sometimes
volatile. The world's fourth-largest country already has its headaches,
with barely a trickle of foreign investment coming in, and dozens of
militants linked to al Qaeda on trial for bombings in Bali and Jakarta.
All this makes for a potent cocktail in a deeply troubled nation led by
a weak President into an election year, when unrest would have been
expected even under the best of circumstances.

If the U.S. phases out the MFA next year as planned, and if what's left
of Indonesia's export-oriented garment industry is wiped out as
expected, then this Southeast Asian archipelago could be in for a rough
ride. "That will be the trigger of revolution," warns Muchtar Pakpahan,
a respected labor leader who was imprisoned by former President Suharto
and recently founded the Liberal Democratic Labor Party to run against

"MASSIVE" IMPACT.  The pressure on Indonesia's garment industry is
already heavy, regardless of any decisions made in Washington, thanks to
climbing costs and low productivity. Chinese garment workers produce
twice as many shirts per hour as their Indonesian counterparts and they
earn a little less, depending on which Chinese province they're in. In
Indonesia, minimum-wage increases are mandated by law. As a result, more
than 30 garment factories have closed this year, say industry executives
and labor leaders, including six plants in Bandung that employed more
than 1,000 people each.

Workers are finding themselves suddenly unemployed under the worst of
circumstances, often without the severance pay that's now required by
Indonesian law. "I think the huge layoffs are going to come in 2004,"
says Rudy Porter, country director of the American Center for
International Labor Solidarity, the AFL-CIO's liaison office in Jakarta.
"The effect of the MFA will be massive."

Not surprisingly, garment workers are on edge, and opposition leaders
are pushing them to the brink. Dita Sari, a Marxist student leader who
was jailed for several years in the '90s, is one of several political
party heads who lead demonstrations in front of the presidential palace
in Jakarta almost daily, haranguing a crowd of 4,000 to 5,000 students
to rush the palace guards and "remove Megawati from office."

The students get stopped at the gate every time, without the guards
firing a shot. But that could change if unemployment rises steeply and
opposition leaders find a use for the retrenched workers. "They're only
just warming up," says labor leader Pakpahan.

"NO VISION."  The government isn't prepared to deal with large-scale
unrest. Megawati has no plans to woo the foreign investment required to
create jobs, and the government doesn't even keep statistics on plant
closures or layoffs. "She is going to continue with no strategy, no
direction and no vision," says Pakpahan.

In a recent interview with BusinessWeek, Manpower Minister Jacob Nuwa
Wea played down the potential impact of the garment industry hollowing
out. "It is definitely a problem," admits Nuwa Wea. "But if a person is
retrenched in one garment factory, we will offer him or her to another
garment factory."

The government will be even less prepared than usual to deal with
massive labor unrest next year, when the country will hold its
first-ever direct presidential election. Meanwhile, five Islamic parties
are trying to unite against Megawati, and hardened labor leaders like
Pakpahan are jumping into the fray. Plus, the specter of Islamic
terrorist attacks looms as dozens of militants linked to al Qaeda stand
trial for bomb attacks on a strip of bars in Bali in October, 2002, and
the J.W. Marriott hotel in Jakarta in August.

HUSBANDS' FURY.  The question is: Why hasn't Indonesia boiled over yet?
One reason is that the massive single wave of layoffs -- which is what
the MFA phase-out could bring -- hasn't come yet. Another is that about
90% of Indonesia's garment workers are young women, and the few women
who have emerged as labor leaders have paid a steep price. Dita Sari,
founder of the People's Democratic Party, was imprisoned by Suharto as a
Marxist in 1997, and Marsinah, who led a strike at a watch factory in
Surabaya, was sexually tortured to death in 1993.

"The boss hires women because they're quiet," says Enung Jamilah, a
21-year-old woman who presses Gap (GPS ) and Banana Republic trousers
all day at the Fit-U garment factory in Bandung. "They don't protest."

But it's not the garment workers factory managers are afraid of. Rather,
it's their husbands, who are generally unemployed and idle at home, and
might look for trouble if it came their way. "Their husbands will come
to the door for their wives' paychecks," says Sanjeev Wadwha, senior
vice-president of Busana Apparel Group, which manufactures long-sleeve
dress shirts for Van Heusen and is now studying plans to close two
factories and lay off 8,000 workers. "The roads will be filled."

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