Dear friends,

Per Dr. Ade Febransyah's request, I am enclosing the following call for

If you have any question, please send it directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone: 021 750 0463


Ahmad Syamil

Indonesian Production and Operations Management Society 



Prasetiya Mulya Business School
Indonesian Business Management Conference 2004
Jakarta, December 7-8, 2004

"Advancing Indonesian Business Management 
in the Era of Good Corporate Governance"


The annual Indonesian Business Management Conference welcomes all papers
related to the theme of conference which includes important topics such as:

• Marketing – value based marketing, brand value management, market
orientation, etc.

• Finance – corporate finance, corporate governance, risk management,
international financial management, capital market, etc.

• Operations –business process management, product design and development,
supply chain management, quality management, decision analysis, etc.

• Management – leadership, knowledge management, decision making,
performance management, etc.

• Strategy – business strategies, corporate diversification, corporate
growth, government regulation, etc.


All professors, doctors, masters, researchers, doctoral students, and master
students are welcome to submit and present their paper in the conference.
All papers presented will be blind reviewed. 

Important Dates

Paper submission: before August 31, 2004.

Paper acceptance: before 15 October, 2004

Final paper submission: before 15 November 2004

Doctoral Colloquium: December 6, 2004

Conference Organization

Conference Chair: Djoko Wintoro, Ph.D.; Steering Committee Chair: Sammy
Kristamuljana, Ph.D.; Organizing Chair: Ade Febransyah, Ph.D.; Doctoral
Colloquium Chair: Agus W. Soehadi, Ph.D.; Best Paper Award Chair: Dr.Djisman

Conference Secretariat:

Prasetiya Mulya Conference

JL. R.A. Kartini, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430, Indonesia

Tel :021 750 0463, Fax: 021 750 0461 



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