El lun, 28-04-2014 a las 18:38 +0000, Trevor Freeman escribió:
> We have a range of technologies in the toolkit to address issues
> identified by perpass.
> One of the candidate technologies is DNSSEC. At a technology level it
> has much to commend it. 
> The vast majority of critical TLDs are signed, so another good point
> in its favor.
> However when you look at the next tier down, the statistics point to a
> problem.
> According to the Verisign labs scoreboard, 340K+ domains in the .com
> namespace are secured by DNSSEC
> http://scoreboard.verisignlabs.com/
> If you express that number as % that is about 0.4% and the growth
> trend is about 0.1% per year
> http://scoreboard.verisignlabs.com/percent-trace.png
> The trend seems about 2 orders of magnitude below where we need to be
> for DNSSEC to be viable in a realistic timescale.
> Am I misinterpreting the data? If not, then do we have consensus on
> what is blocking deployment? 
> Trevor
Which are the numbers for .org ?

This one should have a little percentage of garbage, parked domains,
etc. Moreover, it is kess used by corporations with large IT departments
and more used by small organizations like Libre Software projects.

And it is very important to trust the software you download.


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