I need help from the standards community with regards to RFC-compliance in the 
European Parliament.

I reach out here because I believe you expect your work on improving the 
internet will be implemented, maybe in particular by public bodies we hold to a 
higher standard wrt transparency than others[0].

In an Access to Documents request the EP just stated that "conformity with 
RFC-5321 section 3.9 is by nature outside EP’s responsibilities" [1].

Do you agree? Are there RFCs which correct implementation would, by nature, 
fall within the responsibilities of the EP?

I hope this is of sufficient general interest to warrant a question on this 

Please find a link to our documentation of the particular issue with RFC-5321 
section 3.9 below[2]

Best regards.


[1] http://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/interoperability_with_the_eps_ma
[2] http://pad.epfsug.eu/p/IAG-percent-hack

Problem statement:

  *   The mail server of the European Parliament does not allow incoming 
messages that come from another server, but have a @europarl.europa.eu address 
in the From: header

  *   The result was that:

  *   email from non-EP addresses would be delivered without a problem, even to 
people subscribed with an EP address

  *   email from EP addresses would be delivered without a problem to people 
subscribed with a non-EP address, but not to people subscribed with an EP 


  *   The address rewriting functionality [1] in Exim is used to replace a 
From: address of the form usern...@europarl.europa.eu with the form 

  *   This is done with a single configuration file: 
/etc/exim4/conf.d/rewrite/90_europarl, whose content is a single line regular 

  *   ^([^@]+)@europarl\.europa\.eu $1%europarl.europa...@epfsug.eu fF

  *   Additionally, it is necessary to tell Sympa to accept messages from 
addresses containing the % sign (it normally doesn't)

  *   This is done by modifying the regular expression in line 55 of the file 
/usr/share/sympa/lib/tools.pm, like this:

  *   from this: my %regexp = ('email' => 

  *   to this:   my %regexp = ('email' => 


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