On 3/26/2015 11:02 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
> Come on, Dan, don't troll us!


As far as I'm aware, this is a forum for discussing technical aspects of
privacy, rather than policy aspects.  As such, debating the policy
implications of true 'perfect' e2e encryption seems out of scope, though
I'd assume that being notified of useful articles about it is worthy.

Still, a casual ad hominem like yours constitutes a far greater trolling
action in the IETF than a serious posting to a an article about a
difficult topic.  Attempting to marginalize a serious person's serious
posting by attacking their motives is supposed to be unacceptable in the

In fact since it prompted Stephen's response, I'd say that the comment
on downsides to 'perfect e2e encryption' was useful:  I class Stephen's
clarification of the difference between the goal of perfect e2e
encryption, vs. the currently-attainable far-less-than-perfect, an
essential clarification to discussions about efforts like https-everywhere.

This is not an intimate conversation amongst well-acquainted colleagues
subject to their own private social contract of behavior.  It's a public


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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