On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, Peyman wrote:

> Conclusion: You can say that the origin of our alphabet is
> Arabic but you can not claim that our writing system is Arabic.
> Our writing system is Persian âkhaat e farsiâ. It is what
> my teacher Dr. Safavi as a linguist says in his book and what I
> also say as a linguist.

We have been all talking about the script (which you call it
alphabet), not writing system.  And if they call both of them
"khat-e farsi" in Persian, that may be the source of the problem.

> Just let me know if more linguists are needed to testify :)
> however, what linguists believed and struggled to say has been
> ignored extensively during past years. Dr Bateni proposed a
> minor change to our writing system long ago in order to better
> serve the Persian language; and they ignored him and fired him
> from the Tehran university because of political and religious
> red lines.
> Peyman


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