On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Hedayat Vatakhah wrote:

>    Yes, you are right. But, just to be a little more exactly, this
> program also let me to merge preferred differences,
> and the reality is that the main problem is here, because it (in FC3)
> can't save the result in proper UTF-8 encoding
> and the result is not usable. I haven't any problem with it in FC1.
>    It's a little strange for me that command line programs have not any
> problems with UTF8 while some of GUI programs
> have that. For another example, the replace in files in Quanta+ (in the
> menu it is "find in files") have problems for replacing
> Persian characters while sed works well!

This is becuase command line tools are mostly from GNU coreutils
package, which is heavily tested, but GUI tools are... you know.

> Thanks again

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