I agree with Dan (and everyone else).

Rooms don’t need identical trap amounts to show activity. Some of it depends on 
room size and accessibility. Placing traps as Dan suggested will give you a 
good idea of movement and risk. I sometimes put traps by the bottoms of 
herbarium cabinets that are especially high risk or on shelves by slide boxes 
to monitor volume of Psocids.

I know maps are something you definitely don’t want to share online for 
security reasons, but I find putting points on a map really helps me when I 
walk through a space to assess what I need.

Good luck! And I personally find that less traps but that you check 
consistently is better than more traps that you have a hard time getting to and 
are more likely to put off. 😉


Genevieve E. Tocci (she, her, hers)
Senior Curatorial Technician
Harvard University Herbaria
22 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138  U.S.A.
Phone: 617-495-1057  Fax: 617-495-9484

From: 'Lindsey Gibson' via MuseumPests <pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 11:17 AM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [External Email] [PestList] RE: Advice on blunder traps/m2

Good point Heather, thanks

From: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of 
Heather Parks
Sent: 21 July 2020 15:42
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [External Email] [PestList] RE: Advice on blunder traps/m2

We’ve also found that rooms have higher humidity/temperatures have more pests, 
so maybe bump up the blunder traps in those rooms too.

Heather Parks
Head of Preservation
Binghamton University Libraries

From: 'Lindsey Gibson' via MuseumPests<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 10:09 AM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [External Email] [PestList] RE: Advice on blunder traps/m2

Thanks Dan. I’ve tried to put traps either side of openings but, definitely 
need to review this and think like a pest!

Adie - yes It’s  just me doing the insect pest traps, but there are rodent 
traps around the building perimeter that are, I presume, monitored by a pest 
control contractor through our estates department. I am the archive conservator 
but also deal with collections care  including IPM.  At present I only have 
traps in strong rooms, plant room, archive staff offices and search room. It’s 
probably a little inconsistent  but we are a local authority archive based 
within the county council headquarters. I’ve tried to monitor in any space 
where archives are used and in adjacent rooms but undoubtedly we will  get 
pests coming In from other areas.

Thanks both!

From: 'Adrian Doyle' via MuseumPests 
Sent: 21 July 2020 14:49
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [PestList] RE: Advice on blunder traps/m2

Good Point Dan
Also we have the luxury of a sub contractor who undertakes pest monitoring of 
non-collections areas (including HVAC, Risers etc)
Lindsey – are you doing this alone?

From: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Dan 
Sent: 21 July 2020 14:44
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [PestList] RE: Advice on blunder traps/m2


Trap numbers and placement can both vary with risk. Adrian’s “munchability 
index” (love that term) provides a guide to number of traps, but so does 
accessibility. How many doors, vents, floor drains, pipe chases, windows, trash 
bins, etc are in the area you wish to monitor? Think like a pest and place 
traps where pests are likely to be drawn or to gain access to the area; the 
more such points, the more traps you’ll want to start with. And, of course, 
different pests will prefer different points of access, so consider all 


Dan Wixted                   Pesticide Management Education Program (PMEP)
Cornell University           Ph (607) 255-7525
525 Tower Road            FAX (607) 255-3075
CALS Surge Facility        
Ithaca, NY 14853

From: 'Lindsey Gibson' via MuseumPests 
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 9:06 AM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [PestList] Advice on blunder traps/m2

Good afternoon,

I am currently reviewing IPM procedures in my organisation and hoping for a bit 
of advice on placement of blunder traps.

At present the number of traps in each of our archive strongrooms is not 
consistent. This is in part due to accessibility of each space.
I would like to increase/reduce trap numbers (and regularity of trap placement 
where possible to have a more accurate comparison of pest numbers in the 
different spaces. I have not been able to find any guidance on an optimal 
number of traps/m2. Can anyone direct me to guidance on this/advise me?

Many thanks  for your time,

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