Hi Julie
They’re a laminate material, typically a barrier layer (i.e. biaxially
oriented nylon, aluminum) sandwiched between a heat-sealable film.
Try searching for companies selling cryovac or film for use in food
Best wishes

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 1:23 PM jmcin...@famsf.org <jmcin...@famsf.org>

> Hi Alex,
> Interesting! What material are the barrier bags made of? I did a quick
> google search and see that term used fairly loosely. Is there a
> manufacturer you go to?
> Julie
> On Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 6:16:49 PM UTC-7 Alex Roach wrote:
>> Hi Julie
>> We've found that sealing objects in pe can actually increase problems, as
>> the object's 'smell' can build up and create an even bigger attraction to
>> pests (sort of like the pheromone from hell).
>> We've been sealing objects in barrier bags, either with a heat sealer or
>> a dead-fold as you've described. The barrier bags don't allow the odour to
>> escape, making the object 'invisible' to bugs, or those pests relying on
>> smell anyway.
>> Best wishes
>> Alex
>> *Alex Roach*
>> *Director*
>> Modified Atmospheres
>> *M:* 0414 663 472
>> ABN: 66 164 577 557
>> On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 10:18, jmci...@famsf.org <jmci...@famsf.org> wrote:
>>> Hello, Pestlist
>>> Hope you all are well.
>>> I am beginning a project of adding an extra layer of protection between
>>> pests (specifically moths) and our high-danger collections.
>>> Storage boxes are generally made of corrugated plastic sheeting, and
>>> historically we have taped the seams. However, this is time consuming and
>>> creates a messy looking box after repeated opening and sealing.
>>> Now, we are looking at placing these boxes inside of large plastic bags,
>>> and rolling the open end tightly up against itself, then clamping, to
>>> create a hopefully insect-proof seal.
>>> Is this a technique anyone here is familiar with or perfected? I'd love
>>> to hear advice. Is anyone making the bags (sealing their own with heat
>>> perhaps) to custom size? Is there a retailer of plastic bags (square
>>> bottomed preferred) in various sizes that can be recommended?
>>> Any tips or suggestions appreciated. Feel free to reach out directly.
>>> Best,
>>> Julie McInnis
>>> jmci...@famsf.org
>>> Collection Care Specialist
>>> Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
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>> --
>> *Alex Roach*
>> *Director*
>> Modified Atmospheres
>> *M:* 0414 663 472
>> ABN: 66 164 577 557
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*Alex Roach*
Modified Atmospheres
*M:* 0414 663 472
ABN: 66 164 577 557

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