Dear Karen,
pipes that are flushed unregularly might have become leaky.
To find the leakiing pipe or pipes (water/heating) you can check the construction plans of the bulidning and follow the pipes below the floor or in the walls.
You also could measure the microclimates of the adjoining areas to see if there are higher as the surroundings (EMC).
A third way is to use an infrred camera to see different temperatures in the floor or in the wall where pipes are running.
Godd luck.
Best wishes,

Christian Dressen

Dipl.-Restaurator (FH)

Museum Angewandte Kunst

Schaumainkai 17

60594 Frankfurt am Main

T +49 69 212 36027

F +49 69 212 30703

Gesendet: Montag, 18. Oktober 2021 um 22:27 Uhr
Von: "Karen French" <>
An: "" <>
Betreff: [PestList] Minute brown scavenger beetles

Good afternoon all.


I am asking for advice with a beetle problem. During the COVID shut down we began to see issues with Dermestid beetles in certain areas and started trapping for those with pheromone lures along with our regular sticky traps, and checking traps more frequently. In addition to the Dermestids we began to see increasing numbers of minute brown scavenger beetles on many traps in a particular area of adjoining galleries. We found these on anything sticky; plain traps, roach pheromone traps, the Dermestid beetle pheromone traps (and spiders webs that shouldn’t have existed! I asked for extra vacuuming and cleaning but we are still finding increasing numbers of these small beetles, sometimes several hundred on a trap within a few week indicating an active problem and damp issues. We cannot find the source and would love advice on what to do next to find the source and eliminate them. I’m attaching a photo of one of the traps with predominantly small brown beetles.






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