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so many ways to kill...

I agree that the first option is to control infestations with IPM, and that a 
vacuum may be your best weapon for a surgical, rather than nuclear strike.  

That said, there are many ways to disinfest that I've seen in my musem travels. 
They are often combined, and different countries and communities all seem to 
have their own favorites.

For example, at a conservation trade show in Ferara, Italy a few years ago, I 
saw about five Italian companies offering oxygen-free environments for killing 
insects, with materials, methods, and machinery comparable or superior to the 
Veloxy system. 

I myself offer barrier film and Ageless oxygen absorbers, which are popular in 
North America for anoxic disenfestation. I sell to museums, and to private 
customers if they find me. There's no investment in machinery or monitoring, so 
it's a good solution for some (smaller problems). 

Anoxia can also be done in entrained bags (as do the Italians), in large sealed 
chambers, in big bags, with chemicals, nitrogen from tanks, dewars, or 
generators, with or without humdity control. I've done most of these, and they 
all work. 

I've also seen a truck mounted German system for heating large quantities of 
artefacts (usually furniture) at a conference in London. This system uses a 
combination of heat and exact humidity control to safely (and it seems to be 
quite safe) heat materials to destroy any resident insects. I've seen it used 
on an entire two-storey house (or at least seen the reports).  

CO2 is used for fumigation in various museums in North America, but not used in 
many other countries due to its poisonous nature (and accompanying 
regulations). It needs the simplist of set ups, and is great for pile's of 

There are some interesting methods published on using heat alone by creating 
black plastic tents to disinfect, an especially useful technique where power is 
not available, such as in many tropical museums. Last year I advised a US 
museum on setting such a system up for some art (made of dried tree branches) 
that was about to go on display. Time was of the essence, and poison could not 
be used. It was summertime, so...

My local museum has a reefer truck permanently parked in its loading dock to 
freeze materials coming in. Many museums have dedicated freezers for same. 

And these methods can often be combined.  No one method is best, some are 
quick, some slow, some more complex and some more dangerous to the objects than 
others.  The solution you will need will depend on the size, severity, time 
available, object, regulations, skill, budget, etc. Pushing any one method, 
either as a cure all, or as a superior method, is not productive. This use of 
the PestList for promotion of a product without ensuring that it is the best 
solution just distracts us from other more interesting work. 


Jerry Shiner
Keepsafe Microclimate Systems
Specialists in the design, procurement, and installation of environmental 
control systems for museums and archives
+1 416 703 4696   +1 800 683 4696  

-----Original Message-----
From: "" <>
Sent: 12/14/2009 12:45 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [pestlist] Fwd: Veloxy for massive desinfectation

Heating for disinfestation may be destructive to artifacts; freezing is much 
preferred.  Phosphine fumigation or any toxic fumigation is an atom bomb, when 
a vacuum cleaner might work!  Let's get back to basics and identify what we 
have, where it may be coming from, is it active, how widespread is it, and how 
can we prevent it in the first place.

Tom Parker

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Child <>
To: '' <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 14, 2009 10:06 am
Subject: RE: [pestlist] Fwd: Veloxy for massive desinfectation

Dear Mr Paulino
Despite it looking a 'green' and safe disinfection measure, it is difficult and 
relatively expensive to carry out on bulk material, and is time consuming.
Heat systems are usually quicker, easier and cheaper as is fumigation with 
Bob Child 
R.E. Child 
Head of Conservation/Pennaeth Cadwraeth 
National Museum Wales/Amguedffa Cymru 
Cathays Park/Parc Cathays 
CF10 3NP 
Tel/Ffon:    029 20573245 
Fax/Ffacs: 029 20573124 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of rafael paulino
Sent: 14 December 2009 13:46
Subject: [pestlist] Fwd: Veloxy for massive desinfectation

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rafael paulino <>
Date: 2009/12/14
Subject: Veloxy for massive desinfectation

Good morning
I would like if somebody says to me where I can acquire the Veloxy system, and 
if this system is useful for aims of massive desinfectation for documents.

Thank you very much 

Rafael Paulino
Archivo General de la Nacion
Republica Dominicana


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