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Hi Anne,

We're currently looking into purchasing a tablet PC or iPad (not sure yet) for 
use in several activities that our Preventive Conservation staff undertakes:  
IPM monitoring, Temp and RH monitoring and, the latest, taking images of 
objects for documentation.  The more reasons we have, the better!  Efficiency 
is on list, as well as the ability to chart trends.  The only downside brought 
up by our IT crew is security.  If we use wireless in our museum, they told us 
that tablets and pads are a higher security risk than a laptop.  I'll admit 
ignorance to this and how it all works.  The good news is that we're looking to 
use it as a "high-tech clipboard" to store the data then physically link a 
desktop and the tablet to transfer the data.

I setup an Excel sheet with Registration to log our pests about a year ago.  
This is huge step up from the many years of writing them into 3 binders!  Our 
museum uses KE Emu and we already know, if setup correctly, an Excel sheet can 
be imported into the system.  We have not got a "Pest Module" in KE started up 
yet, funds and time are still needed, however just working with a frame work 
that will gel with our current system has the potential to save lots of time 
transferring data.

Hope this helps!  I look forward to hearing how it all goes for you and I'll 
keep you all posted on how things go on my end.


Matthew A. Mickletz
Supervisor, Preventive Conservation
Winterthur Museum

From: [] On Behalf Of Linda 
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 3:44 PM
Subject: RE: [pestlist] IPM database on the iPad?

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Hi Anne,
I cannot give you any answers, but I would be really interested to hear how you 
find this method if you do implement it.  It sounds like a great way forward!  
It would also be helpful for me as I am currently writing a dissertation on 
implementing IPM in small museums or those with a very low budget and few 
staff.. this might be a way of making it making it less time consuming?

Kind regards


Linda Kemp
BSc Conservation Student
The Cass. School of Design
Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture & Design
London Metropolitan University
41 Commercial Road
London E1 1LA

From: [] On Behalf Of Bevan, 
Sent: 14 March 2013 13:39
To: pestlist@museumpests.Net
Subject: [pestlist] IPM database on the iPad?

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We are thinking of using our iPad in our monthly monitoring of our traps. Has 
anyone done this, and if so, what app or program are you using? We currently 
use an Access database and are thinking about using File Maker Pro which can be 
easily managed on the iPad.

Thanks in advance!

Anne G. Bevan
Assistant Registrar

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