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I'm looking for advice re: a book lice / psocid situation.

I'm currently living in an apartment building that appears to have a psocid
population either around the building, or in the walls. I have found them
in 2 rooms that have had an open window (bedroom and kitchen), and I
eventually started noticing them in a 3rd room without an open window
(meaning they eventually crawled there, or perhaps were moved there when I
moved a bookcase from the bedroom to this 3rd room).

I have only noticed them around August / September, but have seen them on 3
separate years during those months. After the first year, I installed a
dehumidifier and did my best to keep the relative humidity around at most
50%. I've never seen a huge infestation, just regular sightings of them.
I.e. if I inspect an entire bookcase, I'm likely to find 10-15 roaming
along the edges of books or within the front or back cover. I've kept
things clean, I've vacuumed, I've inspected for mold (none I could find
within my actual apartment), and I've done what I can to keep the humidity
down - but I still always find a handful on any given inspection during
what I assume are their peak months.

I'm now moving, and want to avoid bringing these with me to my new
apartment. We're far from August / September, so inspections turn up
nothing - but I'm worried there are eggs or dormant psocids inside book
spines or something similar. Freezing doesn't seem viable considering both
the size of my collection (thousand or more books, plus other collection
items like CDs / DVDs and comic books / magazines) and the lack of access
to anything other than a standard household refrigerator freezer.

I understand some level of psocid activity is to be expected in most
households. Given the conditions I've described, does it sound plausible
that the actual infestation is somewhere else in the apartment building,
and I'm just seeing scavengers looking for food before returning to the
home base? Can they set up shop and lay eggs and such in my bookcases even
given my attempts to control temperature and humidity?

I know this is inherently vague, and it would be tough for concrete advice
given you only have my description to go on. But any general advice for
handling this, avoiding re-infestation of a new apartment, and gaining a
realistic view on the pervasiveness of psocid activity would be much


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