Hi Katie

I am certain it is a red flour beetle, or rust-red flour beetle, Tribolium 
castaneum (Herbst). It is one of the most common destructive stored product 
pest. To control the infestation the most important is to find the host they 
are breeding on. It may well be some old cake, dried flower, herbs, spices, 
flour, dry bread etc. in in the cupboard or somewhere around it.
For your information:

Best regards:

Andras Szito | Taxonomist/Curator
Plant Biosecurity | Entomology
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth  WA  6151
Locked Bag 4 | Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983
t  +61 (0)8 9368 3571  |  f  +61 (0)8 9368 2958
e  andras.sz...@agric.wa.gov.au<mailto:andras.sz...@agric.wa.gov.au> w  

From: pestlist@museumpests.net [mailto:pestlist@museumpests.net]
Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2014 2:21 AM
To: pestlist@museumpests.net
Subject: [pestlist] insect ID

Hi Everyone,

I’m hoping someone can help identify this insect for me. It’s about ~2mm. I’m 
thinking it’s one of the minute brown scavenger beetles, but have never come 
across them before so am unfamiliar with how they look. Sorry for the 
overexposure; I can try and take more photos if needed.

I’ve never had them caught in my blunder traps before, but over the past few 
weeks I’ve been seeing a lot pop up in the traps, and dead in cupboards. Any 
comments would be appreciated!

Thank you,


Katie Fisher
Collections and IPM Technician

130 9 Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta T2G 0P3
P 403 268 4235
F 403 262 4045



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