Hello All -

There are two reasons for this post to the list - 1st is I needed to test
the list so this is something to say. 2nd - I found an answer to a problem
that creeped into the list recently.

We've recently had a few people question why they were not receiving
anything from the pestlist.

Our testing worked - we were unable to find any problems - until now. In one
of the updates a new feature was added that would automatically remove you
from the list if your email bounced too many times.

In some ways this was a good thing - those that changed their emails and not
tell us where automatically removed from the list. But there are other
reasons that bounces happen - your service provider puts in new, tighter
spam filtering -  and we get bounced. AOL is especially good for this one.

The down side was that the default setting was 2, just a bit low for real
life - all networks have problems sometimes and over a few months a couple
bounces is not unreasonable. In a normal mail situation if you email gets
bounced the service will try to send it multiple times - some for up to
three days - before officially bouncing it but the default system limit of 2
times didn't work.

I found this new feature today and decided that we could turn it off in our
situation, we'll just keep an eye on the bounces and see if there is a good
limit for us or if we can just leave it off.

So you have to admit this was way more interesting than "This is a test."

And after typing that and looking at it I go, well maybe not.

Leon Zak

l...@zaks.com <mailto:l...@zaks.com>


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