I have been very impressed with these door sweeps from Xcluder in high rodent 
traffic areas.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Christian Baars <christian.ba...@museumwales.ac.uk> 
Date: 09/05/2016  7:20 AM  (GMT-06:00) 
To: "'pestlist@museumpests.net'" <pestlist@museumpests.net> 
Subject: [pestlist]  Mouse proofing doors 

Dear colleagues,
We have a low level problem with mouse ingress through four doors on one side 
of the building and I am wondering whether you may have any experience with 
retrospective mouse proofing of external doors.

The doors in question are solid wood with wooden thresholds; there is a gap 
under all of the doors which is not big but I suspect just large enough for the 
mice to squeeze through. They are closed most of the time but lead to our 
 theatre and when they are open are frequented by hundreds of feet. I am 
therefore looking for a solution that is secure and sturdy at the same time. 
And cost-efficient, of course.

Gratefully yours
Christian Baars PhD AMA
Senior Preventive Conservator 

Aumgueddfa Cymru / National Museum Cardiff 

Department of Collection Services 

Parc Cathays / Cathays Park

Caerdydd / Cardiff CF10 3NP

Telephone: +44 (0)29 2057 3302 

Twitter: @NMWPrevCons 



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