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Sometimes cotton can be effective as a substitute for a food based bait.. Mice 
will use it to line their nests.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Dee Stubbs-Lee <> 
Date: 05/10/2017  9:58 AM  (GMT-06:00) 
Subject: [pestlist]  mouse trap bait 

Hi everyone,
I am looking for suggestions for bait for snap trap style mouse traps in our 
collections storage areas. We previously used peanut butter with some success, 
but concerns have been raised about potential staff and visitor allergies due to
 the peanut butter potentially being spread around and urinated out by the mice 
who escape the traps. I read somewhere that gummy bears might work as bait, but 
that was in the context of rat traps and I have not yet tried them for mice. 
(Thankfully, we don’t
 have a rat problem!). Obviously, I would prefer a solution that will not add 
to our insect pest issues. Total exclusion of mice is difficult if not 
impossible as we are in an old building with an infinite number of possible 
entry points.

Dee Stubbs-Lee, CAPC, MA
Conservator / Restauratrice 
New Brunswick Museum/
Musée du Nouveau-Brunswick
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2K 1E5

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