[Apologies for multiple postings]


         C A L L   F O R   P A R T I C I P A T I O N

   2nd symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2006)

                   Lucca, Italy
                November 7-9, 2006




Computing technology has become ubiquitous, from global applications
to minuscule embedded devices. Trust in computing is vital to help
protect public safety, national security, and economic prosperity.
A new area of research, known as global computing, has recently
emerged. It aims to define new models of computation based on code and
data mobility over wide area networks with highly dynamic topologies,
and to provide infrastructures to support coordination and control of
components originating from different, possibly untrusted, sources.

Trustworthy Global Computing aims to achieve safe and
reliable computation in such a framework, by providing tools and
frameworks for constructing well-behaved applications and for
reasoning about their behaviour and properties.

In 2005, the FET-IST Programme of the European Union launched several
Projects dedicated to these themes within the Global Computing II
proactive initiative. These projects are now due to be reviewed after
their first year of activity. This symposium will be devoted to
presenting and discussing recent progress in trustworthy global
computing within these projects and beyond.

The event will also include the presentation of three FP7 initiatives
named "Internet of the future", "Pervasive adaptation" and "ICT
forever yours".

The symposium is colocated with the reviews of the FP6 GCII projects:
- AEOLUS    http://www.ceid.upatras.gr/aeolus
- MOBIUS    http://mobius.inria.fr
- SENSORIA  http://www.sensoria-ist.eu
- CATNETS   http://research.ac.upc.edu/catnet

The first TGC event took place in Edinburgh on April 7-9, 2005 with
the co-sponsorship of IFIP TC-2, as part of ETAPS 2005. TGC 2005 was
the evolution of the previous Global Computing I Workshops held in
Rovereto in 2003 and 2004 and the workshops on Foundation of Global 
held as satellite events of ICALP and Concur.
In view of the importance and the strategic role of trustworthy global
computing, the plans are to organize TGC regularly in the future.

Lucca is a medieval Tuscan town, in an intermediate position between
Pisa and Florence, with fully preserved renaissance city walls. The IMT 
Institute for Advanced Studies (http://www.imtlucca.it)
is a recently established graduate school, whose PhD program on Computer
Science and Engineering focuses on various issues of global computing.

Lucca has maintained the characteristics of the small capital it was almost
up to the unification of Italy. Beyond the hills, the nearby beaches
of Versilia, the marble quarries of Carrara and the mountains of
Garfagnana complete the picture.

- Paola Inverardi  (Univeristy of Aquila)
- Danny Krizanc    (Wesleyan University, USA)
- Jayadev Misra    (University of Texas)
- Andrei Sabelfeld (University of Goteborg)

(parallel sessions are marked by ||)

Monday November 6
 13:00-18:00 AEOLUS review
          || MOBIUS review
          || SENSORIA meeting

Tuesday November 7
 09:00-12:00 AEOLUS review
          || MOBIUS review
          || SENSORIA meeting
 14:00-15:00 Jayadev Misra (Invited Speaker)
             Structured Concurrent Programming
 15.00-18.30 Types to discipline interactions (TGC session)
             - Luis Caires.                Spatial-Behavioral Types for 
Distributed Services and Resources
             - Reiner Haehnle, Jing Pan, Philipp Rümmer and Dennis 
Walter.                Integrating a Security Type System into a Program 
             MOBIUS Project overview at TGC
             AEOLUS Project overview at TGC
          || AEOLUS review
          || MOBIUS review
          || SENSORIA meeting (if needed)

Wednesday November 8
 09:00-10:00 Andrei Sabelfeld (Invited Speaker)
             Dimensions of declassification in theory and practice
 10.30-12.00 Calculi for distributed systems              - Roberto 
Bruni and Ivan Lanese.                PRISMA: A mobile calculus with 
parametric synchronization
             - Damien Pous.                On Bisimulation Proofs for 
the Analysis of Distributed                Abstract Machines
             - Lucia Acciai, Michele Boreale and Silvano dal Zilio. 
               A Typed Calculus for Querying Distributed XML Documents
 14:00-16:00 FP7 Initiatives presentation
             - Internet of the future
             - Pervasive adaptation
             - ICT forever yours
             Paola Inverardi (Invited Speaker)
          || CATNETS meeting
 16:30-17:30 Flexible modeling              - Luciano Baresi, Karsten 
Ehrig and Reiko Heckel.                Semantics-preserving 
Transformation of Behavioural Models
             - Davide Bacciu, Alessio Botta and Hernan Melgratti. 
               A Fuzzy Approach for Negotiating Quality of Services
          || CATNETS meeting
 17:30-23:00 Social Activity + Social Dinner

Thursday November 9
 09:00-10:00 Danny Krizanc (Invited Speaker)
 10.30-12.00 Algorithms and systems for global computing (TGC session)
             - Ioannis Caragiannis, Christos Kaklamanis,                
Panagiotis Kanellopoulos and Evi Papaioannou.                Scheduling 
to maximize participation
             - Francesco Silvestri.                On the Limits of 
Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition
             - Alan Morkan, Joseph R. Kiniry, Fintan Fairmichael, 
               Dermot Cochran, Patrice Chalin, Martijn Oostdijk and 
               Engelbert Hubbers.                The KOA Remote Voting 
System: A Summary of Work To-Date
          || CATNETS review
          || SENSORIA review
 14:00-18:30 Security, anonymity and type safety (TGC session)
             - Mariangiola Dezani, Silvia Ghilezan and Jovanka Pantovic. 
               Security Types for Dynamic Web Data
             - Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Catuscia Palamidessi and 
               Prakash Panangaden.                Anonymity Protocols as 
Noisy Channels
             - Tom Chothia, Simona Orzan and Jun Pang.                
Automatically Checking Anonymity with mCRL
             - Sonia Fagorzi and Elena Zucca.                A framework 
for type-safe exchange of mobile code
             CATNETS Project overview at TGC
             SENSORIA Project overview at TGC
          || CATNETS review
          || SENSORIA review

Friday November 10
 09:00-13:00 SENSORIA review

- Gilles Barthe       (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
- Rocco De Nicola     (Univ. of Florence)
- Christos Kaklamanis (Univ. of Patras)
- Ugo Montanari       (Univ. of Pisa)
- Davide Sangiorgi    (Univ. of Bologna)
- Don Sannella        (Univ. of Edinburgh)
- Vladimiro Sassone   (Univ. of Southampton)
- Martin Wirsing      (LMU Munich)

- Gilles Barthe       (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
- Rocco De Nicola     (Univ. of Florence)
- Jose Luiz Fiadeiro  (Univ. of Leicester)
- Stefania Gnesi      (ISTI, Pisa)
- Manuel Hermenegildo (Technical University of Madrid)
- Christos Kaklamanis (Univ. of Patras)
- Elias Koutsoupias   (Univ. of Athens)
- Burkhard Monien     (Univ. of Paderborn)
- Giuseppe Persiano   (Univ. of Salerno)
- Ugo Montanari       (co-chair, Univ. of Pisa)
- David Rosenblum     (University College London)
- Davide Sangiorgi    (Univ. of Bologna)
- Don Sannella        (co-chair, Univ. of Edinburgh)
- Vladimiro Sassone   (Univ. of Southampton)
- Paul Spirakis       (Univ. of Patras)
- Martin Wirsing      (LMU Munich)
- Gianluigi Zavattaro (Univ. of Bologna)

- Massimo Bartoletti  (Univ. of Pisa)
- Roberto Bruni       (chair, Univ. of Pisa)
- Marzia Buscemi      (IMT Lucca)
- Pietro Carubbi      (webmaster, IMT Lucca)
- Barbara Iacobino    (IMT Lucca) - Silvia Lucchesi     (IMT Lucca)
- Hernan Melgratti    (IMT Lucca)
- Laura Semini        (Univ. of Pisa)
- Roberta Zelari      (IMT Lucca)

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