On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 15:17, Stefano Zampini <stefano.zampini at 

> Today I solved the bug for more than three levels with MULTILEVEL BDDC. If
> I have time, tomorrow I will adapt the code to deal with local matrices
> having a NearNullSpace object attached. Then the next step will be remove
> explicit calls to METIS and use MatPartitioning routines. Jed: can you give
> me some quick hints on how they behave? In particular, I wish to know if I
> can assemble the adjacency on N procs and then partition it in M procs
> (with M<N).

Sorry for losing your message. This works for ParMETIS and some of the
other partitioners, just call MatPartitioningSetNParts().
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