When you say "Portability to Windows", do you mean "native Windows,
without Cygwin"?
I agree that cmake is less than cool.

Suppose there is a package we need already installed on the system
(e.g., hdf5 installed in <hdf5_dir>),
which depends on another package we need, which is also already
installed on the system (e.g., openmpi_dir, installed in
<openmpi_dir>).  The user requests --with-hdf5-dir=<hdf5_dir>
Is this dangerous? Can/should we be able to detect this?

On the system where I encountered this (Ubuntu), there is a package
management system (apt-get) that contains the necessary information,
but I think it would be prohibitively complex to make PETSc configure
compatible with all package management systems so we can parse their
package databases.

As a related matter, there is a sometimes unclear distinction between
a package (e.g., mpich or openmpi) and an abstract "capability"
(mpi), which can be satisfied by multiple packages (openmpi, mpich).
We have both: --with-mpi-dir=<mpi_dir> (capability),
--download-mpich=1 (package).  This is, of course, due to the fact
that the "capability" has a standard interface (the MPI standard),
that multiple packages can satisfy. If FFT had a similar standardized
interface we could potentially have the same ambiguity with fft and
fftw.  BLAS-LAPACK may be another such example.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> ? I am revisiting the idea of a new configuration/compile system for PETSc 
> (with the prototype cll: ?ssh://petsc at petsc.cs.iit.edu//hg/petsc/cll) and 
> am currently trying to see if we can come up with a list of requirements that 
> satisfies all our needs and everyone's ambitions. ?I have added a preliminary 
> list at the top of the cll.py file in that repository and also posted here.
> Requirements:
> ? ? X ? ?1) Portability to Windows, Cygwin, Unix (all versions)
> ? ? ? ? 2) Compatible with GUI development systems (Xcode, Eclipse, Emacs, 
> ...)
> ? ? ? ? 3) Able to run parallel configures and builds (on shared memory 
> system enough?)
> ? ? ? ? 4) Able to work with batch systems
> ? ? ? ? 5) Able to handle dependencies between packages (given dependencies 
> between packages builds everything in the correct order)
> ? ? ? ? 6) Able to utilize clang and similar systems
> ? ? ? ? 7) Works seamlessly with GNU autoconf and Cmake packages (that is 
> will build these packages automatically)
> ? ? ? ? 8) Can download and install packages by given URL
> ? ? ? ? 9) Easy to add configurations for packages such as SuperLU, etc that 
> have no decent configuration
> ? ? x ? 10) Can test for available functionalities (include files, etc)
> ? ? X ? 11) Easy to add new types of compilers, new tests
> ? ? ? ?12) Does dependency analysis and rebuilds only what needs to be rebuilt
> ? ? ? ?13) Able to manage test suites
> ? ? ? ?14) Compatible with and able to use revision control systems
> ? ? ? ?15) Completely command-line controlled but also with a GUI frontend 
> that gives one full control as well
> ? ? ? ?16) Able to build for bizarre-assed systems like the iPAD and GPUs.
> ? ?X ?- does, ? x - does some
> I looked at cmake recently and was not pleased with what I saw.
> Any comments, thoughts, complaints and volunteers early solicited.
> ? ?Barry

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