On Jul 16, 2011, at 5:11 PM, Barry Smith wrote:

>   Jed,
>     I just remembered something I should have said when we talked about the 
> rewrite of the KSPSPECEST stuff.
>     If one has the bound on the smallest eigenvalue of the (preconditioned) 
> operator then ones convergence test can take that into account and know that 
> the 2-norm of the error of the linear solver (as opposed to the 2 norm of the 
> residual) is less than some

Humm, the only linear algebra proof that I know gives bounds on the error of 
the form

 | error |_2 <= Condition-number * | residual |_2, 

for SPD matrices of course.  This is pessimistic but I'm not sure how you could 
get a bound on error with only the lowest eigen value ...


> tolerance. Of course the KSPSPECEST can give us this information, even though 
> Mark doesn't believe it is accurate enough :-), with enough iterations it can 
> be. So ideally we'd have options that allowed convergence tests to use the 
> estimate of the error norm instead of just the residual norm.
>    Barry

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