I understand this. I just don't view this as a big deal worth  
changing the code over.


On May 7, 2009, at 4:03 PM, Jed Brown wrote:

> Barry Smith wrote:
>> I don't have a problem with (somehow) merging the two options, but I
>> don't see it as a big improvement.
>>   -snes_mf -snes_mf_type both or operator
>> instead of -snes_mf or -snes_mf_operator
>> I don't see this as a big improvement.
> The difference is that
>  -snes_mf -snes_mf_operator
> is a conflict, but
>  -snes_mf -snes_mf_type both -snes_mf -snes_mf_type operator1
> -snes_mf_type operator2
> is not a conflict because it collapses to
>  -snes_mf -snes_mf_type operator2
> This isn't a big deal when all the options are on the command line,  
> but
> it is definitely nicer if some options are sitting in .petscrc or  
> being
> pulled in with -options_file.
> Jed

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