On Wed, 10 Jun 2009, Barry Smith wrote:

>   All petsc-dev users. Next time you pull petsc-dev make sure you pull
> config/BuildSystem also and rerun your configure with
> ${PETSC_ARCH}/conf/reconfigure-${PETSC_ARCH}.py
> As always, report any problems to petsc-dev at mcs.anl.gov
>   Barry
> What I changed. I discovered the ar flags Sq that are much faster than our
> current use of r. For my laptop these are the timings for "make all" debug
> version
>                regular libraries           --with-single-library(new
> config/configure.py option to put all code into libpetsc.a (not yet working
> for shared libraries)).
> old           9 min 23 sec                    28 min
> new         2 min 49 sec                      2 min 58 sec

On linux [my laptop] - both the old and new mode [regular libraries]
take about 2min10sec.

> What I changed: added the flag FAST_AR_FLAGS that is used by libfast: instead
> of AR_FLAGS; also added fast versions of buildmod called buildmodfast that use
> libffast that uses FAST_AR_FLAGS
> Once we get rid of the damn make we should see the entire "make all" take less
> than a minute

The issue is the recursive make - and all the shell processes that get
created during it. If we have something eqivalent to automake - then
it should zip through everything with 'make -j 8' - on the newer
multicore machines pretty quickly..


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