On 10.04.2012 14:19, Jed Brown wrote:
> There is no space allocated at (44,44); note that counting is 0-based. 
> This consistency check has been in PETSc for many years, so I don't 
> know why you didn't trip it in earlier runs. Do you have some options 
> in PETSC_OPTIONS or .petscrc?


This is not possible:

 >> A = PetscBinaryRead('A.dat','complex',true);
 >> find(diag(A)==0)
ans =
    Empty matrix: 0-by-1

 >> A(45,45)
ans =   (1,1)        7.999999999999997e+002 +6.316546778308559e-009i

Sorry, I forgot to mention that this is double complex matrix and 
vector. Have you read it as real double?

>     If it is of any help files are here:
>     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60982984/A.dat
>     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60982984/RHS.dat
>     Is this possible to look up changes in one file only?
> $ hg log src/ksp/ksp/impls/tfqmr/
> But the problem was clearly not in that file.


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