On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Sean Farley wrote:

> Any estimate of when Parmetis will work with 64 bit indices?
> Now that my poster is done and petsc-3.2 is in its own repo, I'll continue on 
> this. There was an issue with some dependent packages of parmetis (umfpack) 
> which will have to be patched.

 Hmm, why? I believe the decision was that those dependent packages where told 
to fix themselves to use the latest ParMetis and until then they are not 
usuable from PETSc. Are we going to fix SuperLU_Dist, UMFPACK, MUMPS, etc etc. 
all ourselves to work with the latest Parmetis. That is a downstream?/upstream? 
problem not ours.


> Sean

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