Something is strange.

I'll suggeset

rm -rf externalpackages arch-macosx-gnu-seq

and then doing a fresh build.

And then verifying the build with 'make test'

If 'make test' works - and the application build is not working- I'd
like to see the complete compile log thats producing this error.

wrt libmpiuni.a - all the relavent stuff is added to libpetsc.a and a separate
libmpiuni.a is not created.


On Tue, 22 Nov 2011, Mark F. Adams wrote:

> I'm trying to build a non MPI code and get this error:
> Undefined symbols:
>   "_ompi_mpi_comm_self", referenced from:
>       _ompi_mpi_comm_self$non_lazy_ptr in 
> libamrelliptic2d.Darwin.g++-4.gfortran.DEBUG.OPT.PETSC.a(PetscLinearSolver.o)
>      (maybe you meant: _ompi_mpi_comm_self$non_lazy_ptr)
> In the past I have linked libmpiuni.a but that did not seem to get created.  
> Did libmpiuni.a go away or did my make fail ...
> Mark

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