On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> On Mar 14, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Jed Brown wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 14:08, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> For files like aij.h if you use the localinclude.h paradigm then in aij.c 
>> you would have ?#include "aij.h" ?but in mpiaij.h you would have #include 
>> <./src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h> I don't like the fact that in different 
>> files the sameinclude is referenced in a different way. Now one could argue 
>> that private includes used ONLY locally use the "localinclude.h" ?model and 
>> private includes used more than locally use the 
>> <../src/path/to/localinclude.h> but why?
>> So that they can be built independently from the source tree.
>> Better the simplicity of always using the <../src/path/to/localinclude.h> 
>> model.
>> There are at least four approaches
>> 1. #include "../seq/aij.h"
> yuck
>> 2. #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>
>> 3. Have the build system add -I$PETSC_DIR/src/mat/impls/aij/seq and use 
>> #include <aij.h>
> ?yuck
>> 4. Move this not-truly-private header to include/private/matseqaij.h and 
>> #include <private/matseqaij.h>.
> ?What bothers me about this one is that private has no hierarchy and will 
> eventually become cluttered with all kinds of stuff from many different 
> places in PETSc.
> ?The reason private was introduced (rather than having all of the private 
> includes directly in the source tree) was sometimes external tools (Lisandros 
> python stuff?) needed access to the files with a --prefix install so it had 
> to go in the include directory. I really like having it in the source (I 
> could give a shit about parts of PETSc source being built independently from 
> the source tree). ?Maybe the private includes should be fixed up to contain 
> (1) what is truly needed in the --prefix directory hence must in the include 
> tree and what (2) belongs somewhere in the source tree.

So, my understanding is that the headers in the include/ tree is only
what's needed by the applications (those need include/) and
external tools (additionally need the private headers
include/private/).  The headers in the src/ tree are for the
between different impls.  These src/ tree private headers can be
addressed either relative to include/
(via ../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h) or relative to the including file
(../seq/aih.h), and that choice is up to the particular developer,
although Barry strongly prefers the former?

> ? Barry
>> 1 permits relocating part of the source tree and compiling (a variant of) a 
>> single module without changing includes. 2 requires modifying all derived 
>> implementations if the header is relocated and only works if the full source 
>> tree is available. 3 is the same, but the change is only to the build system 
>> and the build system is more easily "aware" of this cross-dependency. 4 is a 
>> direction that we have already been going over the past couple years (some 
>> implementation headers moved from src/dm/ to include/private) ?because users 
>> wanted access to some internals from a prefix-install (perhaps to create 
>> their own derived implementation).
>> Is there a good reason not to use 4 for shared headers and #include "mine.h" 
>> for unshared (and not intended to be derived from)?

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