Hi Matt,

Maybe you don't need IFC build.
More precisely,

in petscts.h90 there is only TSAdapt type which can't be found. It's 
just used many times.


On 07.12.2011 12:09, Matthew Knepley wrote:
> Satish,
>   Do we have an IFC build at ANL?
> People,
>   PUT YOUR TYPES IN FORTRAN,  or do not use automatic bindings.
>      Matt
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:33 AM, Alexander Grayver 
> <agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de <mailto:agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de>> wrote:
>     Matt,
>     Same is for SNESFASSetType in petscshes.h90
>     A lot of errors come from petscts.h90
>     So I deleted them all. Now it compiles.
>     Thanks.
>     Regards,
>     Alexander
>     On 07.12.2011 11:11, Matthew Knepley wrote:
>>     On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:01 AM, Alexander Grayver
>>     <agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de <mailto:agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de>> wrote:
>>         There are more:
>>     Repeat steps from below. This looks like test code.
>>        Matt
>>         [  0%] Building Fortran object
>>         CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/mat/f90-mod/petscmatmod.F.o
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1058):
>>         error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when
>>         expecting one of: ( % : . = =>
>>                MatTransposeColoring c ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         ----------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1063):
>>         error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when
>>         expecting one of: ( % : . = =>
>>                MatTransposeColoring coloring ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         -----------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1070):
>>         error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when
>>         expecting one of: ( % : . = =>
>>                MatTransposeColoring matcoloring ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         --------------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1079):
>>         error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when
>>         expecting one of: ( % : . = =>
>>                MatTransposeColoring color ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         --------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1058):
>>         error #6622: This statement is invalid in an INTERFACE block.
>>                MatTransposeColoring c ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         ----------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1063):
>>         error #6622: This statement is invalid in an INTERFACE block.
>>                MatTransposeColoring coloring ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         -----------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1070):
>>         error #6622: This statement is invalid in an INTERFACE block.
>>                MatTransposeColoring matcoloring ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         --------------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1079):
>>         error #6622: This statement is invalid in an INTERFACE block.
>>                MatTransposeColoring color ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         --------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1058):
>>         error #6218: This statement is positioned incorrectly and/or
>>         has syntax errors.
>>                MatTransposeColoring c ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         ----------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1063):
>>         error #6218: This statement is positioned incorrectly and/or
>>         has syntax errors.
>>                MatTransposeColoring coloring ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         -----------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1070):
>>         error #6218: This statement is positioned incorrectly and/or
>>         has syntax errors.
>>                MatTransposeColoring matcoloring ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         --------------------------------------------------------------^
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90(1079):
>>         error #6218: This statement is positioned incorrectly and/or
>>         has syntax errors.
>>                MatTransposeColoring color ! MatTransposeColoring
>>         --------------------------------------------------------^
>>         compilation aborted for
>>         /home/lib/petsc-dev/src/mat/f90-mod/petscmatmod.F (code 1)
>>         make[5]: ***
>>         [CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/mat/f90-mod/petscmatmod.F.o] Error 1
>>         make[4]: ***
>>         [CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/mat/f90-mod/petscmatmod.F.o.provides]
>>         Error 2
>>         make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/all] Error 2
>>         make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>>         On 07.12.2011 10:39, Matthew Knepley wrote:
>>>         On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:33 AM, Alexander Grayver
>>>         <agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de <mailto:agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de>>
>>>         wrote:
>>>             Hi Matt,
>>>             Unfortunately I don't have Mercurial installed on the
>>>             cluster (will negotiate it with admin soon), so I
>>>             downloaded tarball.
>>>             Is there a simple patch for that?
>>>         1) Just install it to your home dir. Its very small
>>>         2) Go to include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscviewer.h90, remove
>>>         lines 88--94
>>>           Matt
>>>             Regards,
>>>             Alexander
>>>             On 07.12.2011 10:32, Matthew Knepley wrote:
>>>>             On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Alexander Grayver
>>>>             <agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de
>>>>             <mailto:agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de>> wrote:
>>>>                 Hi dev-team,
>>>>                 Trying to compile petsc-dev with IFC 11.1 I got:
>>>>                 [  0%] Building Fortran object
>>>>                 CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/f90-mod/petscsysmod.F.o
>>>> /panfs/panfs.gfz-hpcc.cluster/home/mt/agrayver/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscviewer.h90(91):
>>>>                 error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT
>>>>                 when expecting one of: ( % : . = =>
>>>>                       PetscViewerVTKWriteFunction func !
>>>>                 PetscViewerVTKWriteFunction
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /panfs/panfs.gfz-hpcc.cluster/home/mt/agrayver/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscviewer.h90(91):
>>>>                 error #6622: This statement is invalid in an
>>>>                 INTERFACE block.
>>>>                       PetscViewerVTKWriteFunction func !
>>>>                 PetscViewerVTKWriteFunction
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>>> /panfs/panfs.gfz-hpcc.cluster/home/mt/agrayver/lib/petsc-dev/include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscviewer.h90(91):
>>>>                 error #6218: This statement is positioned
>>>>                 incorrectly and/or has syntax errors.
>>>>                       PetscViewerVTKWriteFunction func !
>>>>                 PetscViewerVTKWriteFunction
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>>>                 compilation aborted for
>>>> /panfs/panfs.gfz-hpcc.cluster/home/mt/agrayver/lib/petsc-dev/src/sys/f90-mod/petscsysmod.F
>>>>                 (code 1)
>>>>                 make[5]: ***
>>>>                 [CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/f90-mod/petscsysmod.F.o]
>>>>                 Error 1
>>>>                 make[4]: ***
>>>> [CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/src/sys/f90-mod/petscsysmod.F.o.provides]
>>>>                 Error 2
>>>>                 make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/petsc.dir/all] Error 2
>>>>                 make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>                 How it can be fixed?
>>>>             Pull, make allfortranstubs, and the build again.
>>>>                Matt
>>>>                 Thanks in advance.
>>>>                 Regards,
>>>>                 Alexander
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             What most experimenters take for granted before they
>>>>             begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting
>>>>             than any results to which their experiments lead.
>>>>             -- Norbert Wiener
>>>         -- 
>>>         What most experimenters take for granted before they begin
>>>         their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any
>>>         results to which their experiments lead.
>>>         -- Norbert Wiener
>>     -- 
>>     What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>     experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to
>>     which their experiments lead.
>>     -- Norbert Wiener
> -- 
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their 
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which 
> their experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener

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