On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Matt,
> [petsc configure is supporsed to be compatible with python 2.2 and higher].
> But I get the following error [apart from missing 'os.path.pathsep'] with
> python2.2
> Any idea how to fix this? [

Pushed the fix.


> thanks,
> Satish
> -------
> asterix:/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev>!py
> python2.2 config/configure.py --with-mpi=0
> =================================================================================
>             Configuring PETSc to compile on your system
> =================================================================================
> /home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev/config/PETSc/packages/Matlab.py:21: Warning:
> 'yield' will become a reserved keyword in the future
> *********************************************************************************
>          CONFIGURATION CRASH  (Please send configure.log to
> petsc-maint at mcs.anl.gov)
> *********************************************************************************
> invalid syntax (Matlab.py, line 21)
>  File "config/configure.py", line 226, in petsc_configure
>    framework =
> config.framework.Framework(['--configModules=PETSc.Configure','--optionsModule=PETSc.compilerOptions']+sys.argv[1:],
> loadArgDB = 0)
>  File "/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py",
> line 104, in __init__
>    self.createChildren()
>  File "/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py",
> line 330, in createChildren
>    self.getChild(moduleName)
>  File "/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py",
> line 315, in getChild
>    config.setupDependencies(self)
>  File "/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev/config/PETSc/Configure.py", line 45, in
> setupDependencies
>    utilityObj                    =
> self.framework.require('PETSc.'+d+'.'+utilityName, self)
>  File "/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py",
> line 335, in require
>    config = self.getChild(moduleName, keywordArgs)
>  File "/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py",
> line 288, in getChild
>    type   = __import__(moduleName, globals(), locals(),
> ['Configure']).Configure
> asterix:/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev>cat configure.log
>                            Pushing language C
>                            Popping language C
>                            Pushing language Cxx
>                            Popping language Cxx
>                            Pushing language FC
>                            Popping language FC
> asterix:/home/balay/tmp/petsc-dev>

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments
is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments
-- Norbert Wiener
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