From: Bas Fagginger Auer <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 15:02:44 +0200
Subject: Mondriaan 3.0 : Sparse Matrix Partitioning Package

Mondriaan 3.0: Sparse matrix partitioning package

We would like to announce the availability of version 3.0 of the
Mondriaan package. Mondriaan can be used as a preprocessing tool
for large sparse matrix-vector multiplications. It subdivides the
nonzeros of the matrix into a desired number of parts and generates
a permutation of the matrix based on this subdivision.
This subdivision and permutation can be used to
* minimise communication for sparse matrix-vector multiplication
  when the matrix is distributed among nodes of a large parallel
* permute the matrix such that sparse matrix-vector multiplication
  is cache-oblivious,
* permute the matrix to reduce fill-in during LU decomposition.

Features of version 3.0:
* algorithms to permute the matrix to Separated Block Diagonal
  or Bordered Block Diagonal form,
* improved finegrain quality,
* inclusion of the cut-net metric,
* Matlab and PaToH interfaces,
* visualisation of the partitioning process,
* Mondriaan is built as a separate library,
  facilitating inclusion in existing programs,
* extensive documentation with examples and unit tests.

The package and related documentation can be obtained from:

Mondriaan is written in C and distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Rob Bisseling, Bas Fagginger Auer, Albert-Jan Yzelman
Dept. Mathematics
Utrecht University

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