On Mar 22, 2008, at 8:28 AM, Lisandro Dalcin wrote:

> Barry, I noticed that in the 'petscvariables' file, some of the config
> vars for external packages (XXX_INCLUDE and XXX_LIB) have hardwired
> the build dir as basepath, instead of the install dir given with
> --prefix. This smells bad, but I'm not sure. What do you think? I tend
> to think that every dir/file inside $PETSC_DIR should have its
> basepath defined in terms of
> "$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/innerdir[/filename.ext]".

      Specifically what packages?

      Do you mean that it lists, for example,
SUPERLU_DIST_LIB = -Wl,-rpath,/Users/bsmith/Src/petsc-dev/arch-icc- 
superlu_dist/lib -L/Users/bsmith/Src/petsc-dev/arch-icc-superlu_dist/ 
lib -lsuperlu_dist_2.2
instead of
SUPERLU_DIST_LIB = -Wl,-rpath,$PETSC_DIR/arch-icc-superlu_dist/lib -L 
$PETSC_DIR/arch-icc-superlu_dist/lib -lsuperlu_dist_2.2

or do you mean some config/PETSc/packages/*.py ignore the --prefix  
option, which ones?


> -- 
> Lisandro Dalc?n
> ---------------
> Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
> Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
> Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
> PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
> Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

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