
I try to use the VecPlaceArray/VecResetArray functions.

Unfortunately, the call to VecPlaceArray only work the firsdt time I do 
it, even if I call VecResetArray before the next call...

the code looks like this:

VecPlaceArray(vec, myvec);
VecPlaceArray(vec, myvec2);  /* PETSCERROR ON THIS LINE*/

The error I get is the following (from src/vec/vec/impls/seq/dvec2.c:975):

   if (v->unplacedarray) 
SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"VecPlaceArray() was already called on 
this vector, without a call to VecResetArray()");

After looking at the code, I found that MPI vectors where defining a 
VecPlaceArray_MPI which call VecPlaceArray on the "child" v->localrep 
(ref: src/vec/vec/impls/mpi/pbvec.c:79), but I haven't found an 
"overload" of VecResetArray that would do the same work.  Is that the 

I am using PETSc 2.3.3-p6.



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