Thanks, Satish!

I will test it ASAP and report the result.

Farshid Mossaiby

--- Satish Balay <balay at> wrote:

> On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, Farshid Mossaiby wrote:
> > I built PETSc with this command line after
> installing
> > latest MPICH2:
> > 
> > ./config/ --with-cc='win32fe cl
> > --nodetect' --with-fc=0 --with-ar='win32fe lib
> > --nodetect' PETSC_ARCH=cygwin-c-debug-mpi
> --with-mpi=1
> > --with-mpi-dir=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/MPICH2/
> > --download-c-blas-lapack=../f2cblaslapack.tar.gz
> > 
> > It compiles OK but stops after "make all test":
> > 
> > ...
> > Completed building libraries
> > =========================================
> > Shared libraries disabled
> > Running test examples to verify correct
> installation
> > 
> > ... and I have to press Ctrl-C to quit. Have I
> done
> > anything wrong?
> This MPI requires additional *settings* to run
> codes. I.e automated
> testing won't work. Try running manually.
> cd src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials
> make ex2
> mpiexec -n 2 ./ex2
> [mostlikely - mpiexec need to authenicate the
> windows way - before
> being able to launch a job]
> Satish

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