On Feb 10, 2012, at 6:59 PM, Sean Farley wrote:

> The point is that that permission is on a repository by repository bases, so 
> every time Sean (who is the only one who can do it) adds a repository he has 
> to remember to set the permissions for all of us.
> Not true. You can log in and create a repository now.

   No I can't, I tried to log in with my openid and password. It didn't put me 
in the petsc account it wanted me to create yet another account.

> This is the same as how petsc.cs.iit.edu works except that you can log in 
> using an SSH key under the 'petsc' username. So, store the password in your 
> keychain == asking Satish to add your ssh key to 
> /home/petsc/.ssh/authorized_keys.
> The only issue I see currently is the vanity of having the tutorials and 
> externalpackages repos listed.

   It is not a vanity. It is a question of having one consistent organized 
place to keep our repositories and making it easy (for any of us) to add new 

   So I still have the problem that it is not easy (even possible) for me to 
create a new repository. (Assuming I have already given up on the hope of 
having a decent organization of the repositories).


> As I mentioned before, petsc.cs shouldn't be hosted that long list of stale 
> repos. A solution that would work now is to use schemes and local folders. 
> None of the bitbucket quirks would effect workflow, only how the webpage 
> looks.

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