On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 16:42, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 16:37, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>  Oh, you mean using pthreads to spawn a thread that waits at blocking
>> collective?  :-)
The thread should (eventually) be handled by the MPI implementation
(because I don't want every library spawning their own thread).

>>   BTW; do you really think MPI-3 will exist? Or it should exist?
> I can call MPIX_Iallreduce() (and lots of other non-blocking collectives)
> today.

An interface by which libraries could make progress on "user-defined
non-blocking collectives" (like matrix assembly, collective semantics, but
requiring multiple rounds of communication) is something I would like to
see eventually, preferably in MPI. I chatted with Bill and others at the
ICERM meeting last month and wrote a paragraph on it for the PUF proposal.
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