

Paul won't have email access till he is back on March 8th.

Meanwhile, I will take a look at this issue.





From: petsc-dev-bounces at [] 
On Behalf Of John Fettig
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 1:48 PM
To: For users of the development version of PETSc
Subject: Re: [petsc-dev] PETSc GPU capabilities


Hi Paul,

This is very interesting.  I tried building the code with --download-txpetscgpu 
and it doesn't work for me.  It runs out of memory,
no matter how small the problem (this is ex2 from 

mpirun -np 1 ./ex2 -n 10 -m 10 -ksp_type cg -pc_type sacusp -mat_type aijcusp 
-vec_type cusp -cusp_storage_format csr -use_cusparse

terminate called after throwing an instance of 
  what():  std::bad_alloc: out of memory
MPI Application rank 0 killed before MPI_Finalize() with signal 6

This example works fine when I build without your gpu additions (and for much 
larger problems too).  Am I doing something wrong?

For reference, I'm using CUDA 4.1, CUSP 0.3, and Thrust 1.5.1


On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Paul Mullowney <paulm at> wrote:

Hi All,

I've been developing GPU capabilities for PETSc. The development has focused 
mostly on
(1) An efficient multi-GPU SpMV, i.e. MatMult. This is working well.
(2) Triangular Solve used in ILU preconditioners; i.e. MatSolve. The 
performance of this ... is what it is :|
This code is in beta mode. Keep that in mind, if you decide to use it. It 
supports single and double precision, real numbers only!
Complex will be supported at some point in the future, but not any time soon.

To build with these capabilities, add the following to your configure line.

The capabilities of the SpMV code are accessed with the following 2 command 
line flags
-cusp_storage_format csr (other options are coo (coordinate), ell (ellpack), 
dia (diagonal). hyb (hybrid) is not yet supported)
-use_cusparse (this is a boolean and at the moment is only supported with csr 
format matrices. In the future, cusparse will work
with ell, coo, and hyb formats).

Regarding the number of GPUs to run on:
Imagine a system with P nodes, N cores per node, and M GPUs per node. Then, to 
use only the GPUs, I would run with M ranks per node
over P nodes.  As an example, I have a system with 2 nodes. Each node has 8 
cores, and 4 GPUs attached to each node (P=2, N=8, M=4).
In a PBS queue script, one would use 2 nodes at 4 processors per node. Each mpi 
rank (CPU processor) will be attached to a GPU.

You do not need to explicitly manage the GPUs, apart from understanding what 
type of system you are running on. To learn how many
devices are available per node, use the command line flag:



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