On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 11:10, John Fettig <john.fettig at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the way to do it is similar to the way it is done in the
> function ML_Gen_MultiLevelHierarchy_UsingSmoothedAggr_ReuseExistingAgg,
> although that function rebuilds R, A, and P.  So we just have to
> rebuild A.  Here's some code that does that, it seems to work as well
> as the previous code I sent that only worked in serial (this works in
> parallel too).

Would you be willing to make this into a Mercurial patch against petsc-dev?
Just commit your changes locally, hg export them, and send us the patch.

>  Could this be made to be the default if you set the
> flag "SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN"?  Then if you want to rebuild the
> preconditioner, call with "DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN".

Perhaps it can be made the default, but there should be a runtime option to
recompute even when SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN is set (because the nonzero pattern
of the operator, which is what that flag is supposed to indicate, did not
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