On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Changed to mid = ((unsigned int)low + (unsigned int)high)) >> 1;, which
>> is in the comment above.
> Well, you wrote
>   PetscInt imid = ((unsigned PetscInt) imin + (unsigned PetscInt) imax) >>
> 1;
> which doesn't compile because the unsigned keyword does not apply to
> typedefs.

Compiled fine for me.

>>> Your implementation also does unnecessary arithmetic, but due to
>>> possible overflow, the compiler may not be able to remove it. Why not use
>>> the tight structure I suggested?
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search
> The paragon of tight code... I prefer to avoid mixing C and Fortran
> conventions,
> PetscErrorCode PetscFindInt(PetscInt key,PetscInt n,const PetscInt
> ii[],PetscInt *loc)
> {
>   PetscInt lo = 0,hi = n;
>   /* guards */
>   while (hi - lo > 1) {
>     PetscInt mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
>     if (key < ii[mid]) hi = mid;
>     else               lo = mid;
>   }
>   *loc = key == ii[lo] ? lo : -1;
> Under gcc -O3 code is
> 0000000000000000 <PetscFindInt_Jed> xor    eax,eax
> 0000000000000002 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x2> jmp    000000000000001d
> <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x1d>
> 0000000000000004 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x4> nop    DWORD PTR [rax+0x0]
> 0000000000000008 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x8> sar    r8d,1
> 000000000000000b <PetscFindInt_Jed+0xb> add    r8d,eax
> 000000000000000e <PetscFindInt_Jed+0xe> movsxd r9,r8d
> 0000000000000011 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x11> cmp    DWORD PTR [rdx+r9*4],edi
> 0000000000000015 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x15> cmovle eax,r8d
> 0000000000000019 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x19> cmovg  esi,r8d
> 000000000000001d <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x1d> mov    r8d,esi
> 0000000000000020 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x20> sub    r8d,eax
> 0000000000000023 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x23> cmp    r8d,0x1
> 0000000000000027 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x27> jg     0000000000000008
> <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x8>
> 0000000000000029 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x29> movsxd rsi,eax
> 000000000000002c <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x2c> cmp    DWORD PTR [rdx+rsi*4],edi
> 000000000000002f <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x2f> mov    edx,0xffffffff
> 0000000000000034 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x34> cmovne eax,edx
> 0000000000000037 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x37> mov    DWORD PTR [rcx],eax
> 0000000000000039 <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x39> xor    eax,eax
> 000000000000003b <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x3b> ret
> 000000000000003c <PetscFindInt_Jed+0x3c> nop    DWORD PTR [rax+0x0]
> When I strip guards out of your version, I get the following which is
> twice as big and has two conditional jumps per inner loop (at least the
> conditional forward jump is predicted as not taken). We can benchmark, but
> I'll be shocked if my version is not faster.
> 0000000000000040 <PetscFindInt_Matt> sub    esi,0x1
> 0000000000000043 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x3> xor    eax,eax
> 0000000000000045 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x5> jmp    0000000000000054
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x14>
> 0000000000000047 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x7> nop    WORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
> 0000000000000050 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x10> lea    eax,[r10+0x1]
> 0000000000000054 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x14> cmp    esi,eax
> 0000000000000056 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x16> jle    000000000000008d
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x4d>
> 0000000000000058 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x18> lea    r8d,[rax+rsi*1]
> 000000000000005c <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x1c> shr    r8d,1
> 000000000000005f <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x1f> mov    r9d,r8d
> 0000000000000062 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x22> mov    r10d,r8d
> 0000000000000065 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x25> cmp    edi,DWORD PTR [rdx+r9*4]
> 0000000000000069 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x29> jg     0000000000000050
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x10>
> 000000000000006b <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x2b> cmp    eax,r8d
> 000000000000006e <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x2e> jge    000000000000008a
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x4a>
> 0000000000000070 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x30> lea    r9d,[r8+rax*1]
> 0000000000000074 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x34> shr    r9d,1
> 0000000000000077 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x37> mov    esi,r9d
> 000000000000007a <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x3a> mov    r10d,r9d
> 000000000000007d <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x3d> cmp    DWORD PTR [rdx+rsi*4],edi
> 0000000000000080 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x40> jl     00000000000000a0
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x60>
> 0000000000000082 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x42> mov    r8d,r9d
> 0000000000000085 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x45> cmp    eax,r8d
> 0000000000000088 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x48> jl     0000000000000070
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x30>
> 000000000000008a <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x4a> mov    esi,r8d
> 000000000000008d <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x4d> cmp    eax,esi
> 000000000000008f <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x4f> je     00000000000000a8
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x68>
> 0000000000000091 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x51> mov    eax,0xffffffff
> 0000000000000096 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x56> mov    DWORD PTR [rcx],eax
> 0000000000000098 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x58> xor    eax,eax
> 000000000000009a <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x5a> ret
> 000000000000009b <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x5b> nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
> 00000000000000a0 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x60> mov    esi,r8d
> 00000000000000a3 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x63> jmp    0000000000000050
> <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x10>
> 00000000000000a5 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x65> nop    DWORD PTR [rax]
> 00000000000000a8 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x68> movsxd rsi,eax
> 00000000000000ab <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x6b> cmp    DWORD PTR [rdx+rsi*4],edi
> 00000000000000ae <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x6e> mov    edx,0xffffffff
> 00000000000000b3 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x73> cmovne eax,edx
> 00000000000000b6 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x76> mov    DWORD PTR [rcx],eax
> 00000000000000b8 <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x78> xor    eax,eax
> 00000000000000ba <PetscFindInt_Matt+0x7a> ret

I have no problem with you pushing a working version. I have no time to
obsess over alterations of questionable utility.
I will definitely not delete this message, and will pull it up several
years hence when, in some simulation, this becomes
a problem.


What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener
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