On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> As a test for my "git-fat" extension, I liberated the large files from
> PETSc's history (managing them outside the repository so that they need not
> be fetched by everyone; though if you fetch them, the working tree behaves
> identically to if they were in the repository). This brings the git version
> of the PETSc repository down to 50MB, and the clone takes 12 seconds:
> $ time git clone git at bitbucket.org:jedbrown/petsc-git-lean
> Cloning into 'petsc-git-lean'...
> remote: Counting objects: 297100, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (67974/67974), done.
> remote: Total 297100 (delta 228357), reused 297100 (delta 228357)
> Receiving objects: 100% (297100/297100), 41.22 MiB | 8.71 MiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (228357/228357), done.
> 12.105 real   13.472 user   2.000 sys   127.81 cpu
> $ du -hs petsc-git-lean/.git
> 50M     petsc-git-lean/.git
> The original repository (not managing anything with git-fat) is 78MB with
> git. Meanwhile, the hg clone takes 10x longer and is much larger:
> $ time hg clone ssh://hg at bitbucket.org/petsc/petsc-dev petsc-dev-hg
> requesting all changes
> adding changesets
> adding manifests
> adding file changes
> added 25751 changesets with 99594 changes to 10045 files
> updating to branch default
> 4296 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
> 124.376 real   40.954 user   1.827 sys   34.39 cpu
> $ du -hs petsc-dev-hg/.hg
> 178M    petsc-dev-hg/.hg

Well ? did you try this with the equivalent mercurial feature:
largefiles? Which version of mercurial is this? Also, what files did
you deem were "fat" (horrible name, by the way)?

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