I have been out of the loop for around-about-a-half-a-year by now, so
please forgive me while I catch up and get back on track.

What is the deal with PETSc's subminor version these days?

I recall a discussion ages ago, which I do not want to restart because I
do not care *that* much. I recall that subminor was for all purposes
dropped. (No?)

I recently updated petsc-dev to discover it has 3.4.2 version number.
Where did the "2" come from in petsc-dev and what does it mean to users?
I completely missed "0" and "1" somehow, but like I said, I've been out of
the loop...

Best regs,


Toby D. Young
Assistant Professor

Division of Computational Method
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
ul Pawinskiego 5b
02-106 Warsaw

www: http://www.ippt.pan.pl/~tyoung

Session on grid-based quantum many-body theory:

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