I have been out of the loop for around-about-a-half-a-year by now, so please forgive me while I catch up and get back on track.
What is the deal with PETSc's subminor version these days? I recall a discussion ages ago, which I do not want to restart because I do not care *that* much. I recall that subminor was for all purposes dropped. (No?) I recently updated petsc-dev to discover it has 3.4.2 version number. Where did the "2" come from in petsc-dev and what does it mean to users? I completely missed "0" and "1" somehow, but like I said, I've been out of the loop... Best regs, Toby ------ Toby D. Young Assistant Professor Division of Computational Method Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences ul Pawinskiego 5b 02-106 Warsaw Poland www: http://www.ippt.pan.pl/~tyoung Session on grid-based quantum many-body theory: http://www.ippt.pan.pl/~tyoung/icnaam.html