Hi Barry,

> I accidentally added and committed in master when I meant to do it in another branch.

~/Src/petsc/src/ts/examples/tutorials  master $ git add ex1s.c
~/Src/petsc/src/ts/examples/tutorials  master $ git commit -a
[master 8bd0fc5] adding SNESPSEUDO solver
  5 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
  create mode 100644 src/ts/examples/tutorials/ex1s.c

How do I undo this so I can switch to another branch and do the commits into 

If you haven't yet pushed this to remote, run
 git reset --soft HEAD^
to only undo the commit. ex1s.c will still include your changes and be scheduled ('staged') for the next commit. If you want to undo all your changes including ex1s.c, use
 git reset --hard HEAD^

Note that once you pushed your commits to the remote, you should not attempt to change these commits.

Best regards,

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