Are there any known issues with mpich3.2 and clang (Apple LLVM 8.0.0, clang 800.0.42.1)? I am getting segfaults in MPI routines within PETSc. The error is: write_line error; fd=-1 buf=:cmd=abort exitcode=59, which appears to be similar to the recent DMPlexCreateExodusFromFile() does not work on macOS Sierra thread

However, I am not using any Darwin packaging system like homebrew. I am building PETSc via the PyLith installer which builds mpich, NetCDF, HDF5, etc from scratch using the Apple's clang. If I swap mpich3.2 for mpich3.1.3, these segfaults go away, so I am inclined to blame mpich3.2.

If this is a unknown or undiagnosed issue, I will try a standalone PETSc install to try to reproduce it.


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