Additional topic to discuss:
  * Minisymposium at SIAM Annual Meeting

On 12/18/2017 11:51 AM, Karl Rupp wrote:
Hi all,

the PETSc quarterly telecon will take place today, Monday, at 2pm Chicago time.

If anyone of you has a good software to hold the telecon (maybe BlueJeans or Zoom), please post a link to the channel. If no link has been posted by 1:30pm CT, I'll post a Google Hangouts link.

Incomplete list of topics to discuss:
  * User Meeting 2018
  * Organizational Ideas (e.g. NUMFOCUS)
  * Test Harness
  * Documentation improvements
  * Integration management for branch 'next'

Please feel free to propose additional items to discuss by replying to this email.

Best regards,

On 12/13/2017 07:12 AM, Karl Rupp wrote:
Dear PETSc folks,

the next quarterly teleconference is due. It is intended to discuss "the bigger picture" rather than technical details. Thus, feel free to join even if you have not yet contributed thousands of lines of code (yet) ;-)

Please state your availability by Sunday, December 17, here:
All times are relative to the PETSc meridian (Chicago/Central Time).

(and let Jed know if you think that Doodle has a better interface ;-) )

If we can't find a reasonable time slot due to Christmas, I'll open up a another poll in early January.

Thanks and best regards,

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