Please try the branch barry/feature-matlab-socket/maint  and 
--with-matlab-socket=0 and let me know if it works.


> On Apr 17, 2018, at 3:16 AM, Vaclav Hapla <> wrote:
> OK. But definitely it's tricky that you try to inject all PETSc compiler 
> options to the mex wrapper which is by documentation only tested with Xcode 
> and Intel and it's always set up just for one compiler (see mex -setup).
> Hence, I would at least vote for config option to turn off this socket mex 
> stuff to bypass potential problems if one doesn't need it. Like 
> --with-matlab-socket=0 or so which would just deactivate the matlabbin 
> target. Or behave like that if --with-matlab-engine=1 and --with-matlab=0 
> (this currently fails with "Did not find package MATLAB needed by 
> MatlabEngine" which is confusing anyway as it's not a standalone product).
> Thanks,
> Vaclav
>> 16. 4. 2018 v 20:30, Smith, Barry F. <>:
>> Hmm, I tried on my Mac and had the same problem. But then I upgraded from 
>> Matlab 2017A to 2018A and boom the problem went away and it was able to 
>> build the socket mex files without a problem.
>> So my conclusion is that we shouldn't change anything in the PETSc makefiles?
>>    Barry
>>> On Apr 16, 2018, at 6:41 AM, Vaclav Hapla <> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I need to compile PETSc with MATLAB interface on Mac OS.
>>> First thing is that Mex supports only Xcode or Intel compilers, not GCC. So 
>>> I compiled PETSc with Xcode, using options
>>>  --with-cc="/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk macosx10.13 clang" --with-matlab 
>>> --with-matlab-arch=maci64 --with-matlab-engine --with-mpi=0
>>> But the target "matlabcodes" (in 
>>> src/sys/classes/viewer/impls/socket/matlab/makefile) was failing with
>>> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
>>>  "_main", referenced from:
>>>     implicit entry/start for main executable
>>> ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
>>> After some investigation I found out the problem lies in specifying 
>>> environment variables to the mex compiler. Mex has some predefined values 
>>> of these variables and fails if we override them. According to MATLAB 
>>> documentation, it should be possible to just append what we need, e.g.
>>> but this apparently does not work as excepted, some predefined options are 
>>> removed this way. I was debugging that by adding -v to ${MATLAB_MEX} calls 
>>> in the makefile. It seems the injected LDFLAGS is interpreted _after_ 
>>> something more is added to LDFLAGS by MEX (stupid).
>>> What works for me is specifying the options directly do ${MATLAB_MEX}. This 
>>> is also tricky, though, as ${MATLAB_MEX} does not accept all options, e.g. 
>>> -Wl,-rpath. So I ended up with replacing
>>> by
>>> in src/sys/classes/viewer/impls/socket/matlab/makefile. See the attached 
>>> patch. This at least compiled.
>>> Do you think this could break anything? Do you have some better idea?
>>> BTW It would be better if the matlabcodes target could be turned off by 
>>> configure, if one is interested only in using MATLAB Engine and wants to 
>>> avoid problems with the mex compiler.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vaclav
>>> <patch>

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