Well, if you want to remove it, I can just insert 
${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/test in SLEPc's repository, so not a big problem.

> El 6 jul 2018, a las 7:46, Jose E. Roman <jro...@dsic.upv.es> escribió:
> SLEPc still uses the legacy test system. I have not had time to move to the 
> new test harness.
> Jose
>> El 6 jul 2018, a las 2:42, Smith, Barry F. <bsm...@mcs.anl.gov> escribió:
>>> On Jul 5, 2018, at 5:36 PM, Jed Brown <j...@jedbrown.org> wrote:
>>> When can we delete the legacy test system?  Are we currently using it
>>> anywhere?
>> Make test currently requires the test include file
>>  Barry

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